The Challenge Ahead: 2018

Splash - Challenge 2018

As I mentioned in my previous post, 2017 was a good year. In fact, 2017 set a new standard for my photography business. It will be a difficult year to equal. If life has taught me anything, it is that many unforeseen obstacles will stand in the way. Am I up to this challenge? I am certainly going to do my best!

I have never been one to establish New Year’s resolutions, but I do set goals. This is the time of year when I review my business from top to bottom. What can I do better? How can I provide a better service to my many and varied clients? What tools am I leaning too much on? Which tools am I forgetting to leverage? What old paths should I revisit? What new paths should I explore? There are so many questions that it is quite easy to become lost just trying to decide which to answer.

Challenge 2018

For my business side, a few simple goals:

  • Continued financial growth means more happy clients!
  • More professional development to improve my craft
  • Improving how I communicate my brand and with my clients
  • Strive to achieve industry-recognized awards through image competition

For my creative side:

  • Incorporate tools that unleash creativity by freeing me from hiding behind technical aspects
  • I have a long list of concepts: Pursue at least three major concepts to completion
  • Focus on positive commitments, not casual promises, from prospective models

Behind the scenes, these goals have a bit more meat to them. There are specific measures which I am pursuing, a couple that seem well out of reach. For those, I keep reminding myself that they will always be out of reach if I fail to take the first step today. I feel confident in my ability as a photographer, but there is so much more growth yet ahead. The only way I will become better is to continue to challenge myself daily.

What do you think of my goals for 2018? What are your goals and how can I help you achieve them?

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