Interview Project Status Update

Interview Status

It has been a while since I mentioned or posted anything about the video interviews I was posting. A lot has happened in the four months since then so I figure it is time for an interview status update.

What’s the Holdup?

I’ve had several people reach out, including some I’ve already interviewed, who have shared an interest. I can always use more volunteers for this project, so that’s good news. But time doesn’t volunteer for anyone and that is what has been in the shortest supply.

In October, just a few days after the last interview status update, I had a significant job change. After fifteen years working with the same group of people, I found myself in a different office with a different job description. It’s been a fun, learning experience but, as I’m sure you can imagine, it has thrown me off my off-hours activities. I am still caught up in that learning curve, but I am finding more and more time to pursue photography and project development.

What Sort of Project Development?

Beyond just rethinking how I shoot the videos, I’ve been developing the assets needed to step up the overall production value a bit. Yet another learning curve, of course, but it will hopefully bring better results all the way around.

The assets are little things like upper and lower thirds used to show information on screen in a stylish manner. I’ve got a new “camera aperture” for use with closing credits. And then, there’s the opening title which is almost done.

Do any of these really matter to the interviews themselves? Probably not. But, if I’m going to do these, I want to make sure it looks better than a 1980’s community college production if I can.

What’s Next?

I need a bit more time, but I am almost to the point where I can begin shooting interviews. I am considering setting up a few days to do several in short order, allowing me to test my assets and new production workflow with fresh footage. No ETA as of yet, but I hope you’ll hold on for just a bit more as I work out the final details.

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