Stoking the Creative Fires

Creative Fires

The doors of the furnace kick open. The glassblower thrusts the glowing globule of glass into the heated chamber. Spinning it slowly, he withdraws the material and continues working it. With the skill of a trained artisan, he swings the pipe back and forth to stretch and thin the material. It is a significantly different skill set than any I possess, but observing his dance with molten glass stokes the creative fires.

I have always enjoyed watching glassblowers, blacksmiths, and similar artisans ply their craft. Fingers dancing across a the keys or a fret board are captivating to me. There is simply something magical about watching the physical, creative skill of an artist. Watching it happen first hand instills greater value in the objects they produce.

Revealing The Creative Side

As I write, I am watching one of the many videos produced by Postmodern Jukebox. While I appreciate the original song, I find myself drawn to these reimagined songs. I often listen to songs I would otherwise tune out. In reality, it is rarely the song that pulls me in. It is watching the musicians perform. At concerts, it becomes far less about hearing my favorite music than it is about watching how it is produced live.

At an art show where I was exhibiting some pieces, I was captivating by another creative just across the way. The artwork was beautiful. It paled in comparison to watching the bold strokes leaving bold colors in their wake.

What is it about watching someone else’s creative side that is so inspiring? Often, it is the way they make the impossible seem so simple. Being a witness to such a thing reminds us that somewhere, deep inside, is the desire to create. I think we all need to create. Witnessing the confident routine of a practiced artisan gives us hope.

Whether it is painting the Sistine Chapel or the greatest scrambled eggs you have ever made, you have a creative side. Allow yourself the luxury of exploring it. The world is waiting.

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